Saturday, July 23, 2011

Phantom in the wings

There have been a growing number of HVT athletes who have achieved a wide variety of personal, and professional accolades with the help/guidance of HVT. I've really come to both appreciate, and relish the feeling I get of not having the spotlight, and being that "X" factor behind the scenes.

I've come to not mind when people overlook the seemingly small contributions that have been made by either my company, or myself. I've grown to realize that there are many individuals out there who don't realize that sometimes, it's that little pin, that's keeping the whole house from falling down.

But you know what? I truly enjoy being able to sit back in my shiny new beach chair, and reflect on what has been accomplished, and being able to say: "I had the knowledge, skill, adeptness, and consciousness to know when/where to put that little pin, and because of that, I can enjoy the huge building that is now towering before us all. And the best part is? Only I knew it, and still do. What an incredibly positive impact, on so many people, such a small act was able to have!"

Make a small difference in someone Else's life. Hold a door open, pass along a smile, help someone open the car door when their hands are full with their kids and groceries, make a behind the scenes/anonymous contribution to a group you care about, and marvel at the impact that your small good deed, had for so many others.

Practice RAK, and the world will be better for it.
Even if they don't know it :-)

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