Saturday, January 29, 2011

No petty bullshit, There's too much more important in life

This past week, my extended family had a tragedy strike. A wonderful, flourishing, young life was cut short, in an act of violence.

Although the details are still under investigation, this act of violence is a stark reminder to some of the core values I hold:

1. Don't Bullshit.
There is far too much in this life that is more important that ones' work, or busy-ness. Yes, Busy-ness. Think about the word business. It directly refers to what one keeps themselves busy with. While many of us in todays' fast paced world are so engulfed in work, trying to make that "Almighty Dollar", we are fast to lose sight of what really matters: Family and Friends. For at the end of the day, when the money is all gone, they're all we have.

2. Drop the petty stuff.
Whether it's who washed the dishes (or didn't), or who didn't do the job to your spec's. It's all petty. You have to be able to move on. Address it, and move on.
Perhaps most importantly, if you REALLY want to move on, you need to address it. To its face. Keeping what's upsetting you tucked inside, and boiling under the surface, does NOTHING for you.

This is why I call it how I see it. And admit either if I am wrong, or if someone else, with a different perspective, has a good point of view. you have to stand behind your beliefs, but also be open to seeing the beliefs of others, and perhaps, that sometimes their beliefs may be right- more right- than yours.

Learn from others mistakes, and don't bring petty bullshit into your life. It does nothing but waste your time, energy, and focus, and take you away from things that really matter.

Live smarter. Live for family and friends. Enjoy life wisely. We don't know what our future holds: be it health or disease, Life or death, fortune or famine.

Love thyself, and thy neighbors will too.


  1. Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I have no words.

  2. Family first, and again so sorry to hear about this tragedy.

    But I don't agree with "busy-ness". I gave up an insanely lucrative job in corporate consulting because my boss was a fault-finding asswipe and it was absolutely soul-sucking. But I was making so much money.... Now I am in academia and I love it even though I make 1/3 as much $ and work 3x as many hours. I would never my work "busy-ness"; it just doesn't apply when you love what you do. Sometimes when the almighty dollar loses you win.
