Friday, July 29, 2011

Recently Crossed off of our reading list....

Looking for some solid reading to get the most enjoyment out of your recovery time?

Check out these two, awesome, inspirational reads:

Life's Golden Ticket By Brendon Burchard

Wooden on Leadership By John Wooden

Finish your training sessions for the day, grab an ice cold glass of water and a piece of your favorite fresh fruit, and crack open a book that will help you, find you.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Music makes the striders go faster/ pedals go faster

What's on our Ipod for some of our workouts?

Some BB King for our 3x3 min Fast pedals, and our 4 x 1:30 striders

A little Van Halen for the 4 x 4min Vo2 Max efforts

Keeping it classy with Tribe Called Quest for our rest periods between our Striders

and some Audioslave for the 4:30 Hill repeats!

Whats on YOUR workout playlist?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Phantom in the wings

There have been a growing number of HVT athletes who have achieved a wide variety of personal, and professional accolades with the help/guidance of HVT. I've really come to both appreciate, and relish the feeling I get of not having the spotlight, and being that "X" factor behind the scenes.

I've come to not mind when people overlook the seemingly small contributions that have been made by either my company, or myself. I've grown to realize that there are many individuals out there who don't realize that sometimes, it's that little pin, that's keeping the whole house from falling down.

But you know what? I truly enjoy being able to sit back in my shiny new beach chair, and reflect on what has been accomplished, and being able to say: "I had the knowledge, skill, adeptness, and consciousness to know when/where to put that little pin, and because of that, I can enjoy the huge building that is now towering before us all. And the best part is? Only I knew it, and still do. What an incredibly positive impact, on so many people, such a small act was able to have!"

Make a small difference in someone Else's life. Hold a door open, pass along a smile, help someone open the car door when their hands are full with their kids and groceries, make a behind the scenes/anonymous contribution to a group you care about, and marvel at the impact that your small good deed, had for so many others.

Practice RAK, and the world will be better for it.
Even if they don't know it :-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sometimes the best ideas,....

Occur at the oddest of times.

When that happens, one needs to take a step back, and take a moment to gather oneself, and ensure that they capture these ideas, in written, or electronic form.

After all, didn't Thomas Edison wake up one night with the moon cloaked by the clouds,realize he was out of matches, stub his toe on the spinning wheel on his way to count out his 67 beans for his perfect cup of coffee, and have the idea for an "electronic candle"?

Thank you Mr. Edison, Thank you.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Some lead, others follow

"It's the simple things in life that turn the peasants into leaders..."

what is it that turns on our switch to become a leader? Is it a single event? Afeeling of responsibility? Or perhaps knowing that we are the ones who possess the knowledge or experience for that situation?

Regardless of what may turn that switch on, there can be times after we have elected to make ourselves leaders, that we may forget the role which we are in.

Too often it seems as though today's leaders forget that leaders need to lead, not only in words spoken, but in actions taken.

It's not easy to know and realize that one needs to take time out of their sport, in the meat of the season, in order to continue to make progress. While it absolutely sucks to be off the bike, and not running (although only 3 -5 miles a week, trail running is my other release), I have found, yet again, that leading by example has brought out more positives in the athletes I coach.

What actions, small or large, do you NEED to take in your life to lead by example, and will you commit to doing the right thing, or the easy thing?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The meaning of life

Some days you're flying along, others you're at the back of the pack.
Don't forget the Big Idea.....HAVE FUN!!! That's what you put all those hours in for!

And irregardless of where you are in the race, Sprint for that line, no matter how tired you are, whether at the back, or at the front, you still have to have that passion inside you, that wants to beat whoever is around you...even if it is the wind pushing a candy wrapper.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

No petty bullshit, There's too much more important in life

This past week, my extended family had a tragedy strike. A wonderful, flourishing, young life was cut short, in an act of violence.

Although the details are still under investigation, this act of violence is a stark reminder to some of the core values I hold:

1. Don't Bullshit.
There is far too much in this life that is more important that ones' work, or busy-ness. Yes, Busy-ness. Think about the word business. It directly refers to what one keeps themselves busy with. While many of us in todays' fast paced world are so engulfed in work, trying to make that "Almighty Dollar", we are fast to lose sight of what really matters: Family and Friends. For at the end of the day, when the money is all gone, they're all we have.

2. Drop the petty stuff.
Whether it's who washed the dishes (or didn't), or who didn't do the job to your spec's. It's all petty. You have to be able to move on. Address it, and move on.
Perhaps most importantly, if you REALLY want to move on, you need to address it. To its face. Keeping what's upsetting you tucked inside, and boiling under the surface, does NOTHING for you.

This is why I call it how I see it. And admit either if I am wrong, or if someone else, with a different perspective, has a good point of view. you have to stand behind your beliefs, but also be open to seeing the beliefs of others, and perhaps, that sometimes their beliefs may be right- more right- than yours.

Learn from others mistakes, and don't bring petty bullshit into your life. It does nothing but waste your time, energy, and focus, and take you away from things that really matter.

Live smarter. Live for family and friends. Enjoy life wisely. We don't know what our future holds: be it health or disease, Life or death, fortune or famine.

Love thyself, and thy neighbors will too.